opening hours Mon-Fri, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m


We generally deliver our shipments with DHL. Orders are usually dispatched within 3 days of receipt of the order. Please note that for deliveries to third countries, especially Switzerland, customs clearance fees are charged in addition to the parcel fees. Please order in good time at Easter, public holidays and holiday periods.

Normal shipping costs for packages:

country Shipping
Germany** 7.00 €
EURO I** - Belgium, Denmark, France, Greece, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia 15.00 €
EURO II** - Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus 18.00 €
EURO III** - Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden €20.00
EURO IV** - Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Romania 23.00 €
Other countries Happy to request

** For packages up to 3 kg

Refund policy:
You can return your order to us within 2 weeks of receiving the goods. Excluded are bows made especially for you, customer arrows and items that were ordered on your behalf from external suppliers.

All shipments we send are personally checked for accuracy of content. If you still receive a shipment in which something is incorrect or damaged, please call us immediately upon receipt of the shipment so that we can resolve the matter as quickly as possible to your satisfaction. We will have incorrectly delivered items picked up from you so that you do not incur any postage costs. Please understand that we do not accept freight forwarded shipments.

Missing disclosures:
If information is missing or unclear in your order, we will of course endeavor to reach you personally by telephone or email. If this is not possible or we do not receive a response from you, we reserve the right to add the missing information (cam color, spring color, tip weight, etc.) to the best of our knowledge.


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